Pink Diamond Wedding 是由擁有 6 年婚禮策劃經驗的 Andy Chan 創立 。Diamond,鑽石,是世界上最堅硬的天然物質,也是最珍貴的天然瑰寶。婚禮就如鑽石一樣珍貴,只要經過精心的策劃籌備,就如經切磨的鑽石一樣,散發出繁星般的光芒,恆久不滅。而 Pink Diamond,粉紅彩鑽更是罕有珍貴,價值不菲,為人欣羨。正正形容每一對新人的婚禮是珍貴的,令人欣羨的。 貼心一詞

專業婚禮外攝及婚禮攝影 可為你度身訂造各種風格化攝影package 亦提供化妝及攝錄服務. 歡迎到本人網頁參觀及查詢價目: website: blog: email:info@
K結婚 / 海外婚禮Kevin Chiu Photography

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THE AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN HONG KONG provides networking and business development opportunities to its members. As a member of AUSTCHAM, you are part of the largest Australian business org
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